Nvidia GeForce GTX 770 Driver
※ Download: Nvidia geforce gtx 770 drivers
Why not leave all the problems and headaches to? Anyone had any luck with this issue?
Download NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770 game ready driver and improve your gaming performance. We turn off drive indexing and daily defragging. Now I really don't want to use that driver due to the many problems with it.
Nvidia GeForce GTX 770 Driver - Testing Methodology The OS we use is Windows 8 Pro 64bit with all patches and updates applied.
So I am about to purchase the last component for my new build, the GTX 770. But, I stumbled upon some people having issues with the latest driver which is 320. Now I really don't want to use that driver due to the many problems with it. I have looked around and I can't find an older version of a driver that is compatible with the GTX 770. I am getting the GV-N770OC-4GD version of the card, if that matters. Any advice on what to do would be much appreciated. Also, while I am at it, will this PSU be sufficient for the GTX 770? I have already ordered it so yea... Anyways, thank you to all those who respond. There should be no problem with that driver if you do a proper clean install. But, it seems that many people are having problems with this driver with some people's GPU even failing. I have looked on the Nvidia's website for an older driver , but there aren't any listed. There should be no problem with that driver if you do a proper clean install. But, it seems that many people are having problems with this driver with some people's GPU even failing. I have looked on the Nvidia's website for an older driver , but there aren't any listed. Even so, it's nothing to fear or to assume that you will also experience problems. I'm sure those with problems are a tiny fraction of those running the drivers on a 770. After all, no one logs on to post when everything is running fine, only when they have problems. Most driver problems can be traced back to a faulty installation or driver conflict anyway, rather than a bug in WHQL drivers that have been out for almost a month. Since you don't have any other options, there isn't much you can do but use the 320. I would expect a new driver to come out soon, around June 25th when the GTX 760 comes out. If you do have some problems, Guru3d. Their discussion of the 320. They also have an Nvidia rep who monitors the driver discussions, posts fixes, and takes note of reported bugs:.
Testing Methodology The OS we use is Windows 8 Pro 64bit with all patches and updates applied. This helps eliminate software conflicts that occur when you install a program or an update or when you run a program in Windows 8. Having Corrupted Graphic Drivers. They also have an Nvidia rep who monitors the driver discussions, posts fixes, and takes note of reported bugs:. I have looked on the Nvidia's website for an older driverbut there aren't any listed. Simplifies downloading new drivers from the Internet. Prefetch tries to predict what users will load the next time they boot the machine by caching the relevant files and storing them for later use. There should be no problem with that driver if you do a proper clean install.